Author: Marian

bucket lists , fashion

Isn’t Life Colorful

It was on my 2013 Bucket List—and later “shuffled” to my 2014 list—to buy myself a graduation present. Which I would totally do if I made more than the less-than-minimum-wage I’m currently bringing in. The only things I really want right now are (1) a job—which I’m working on, (2)...

by Marian
March 27, 2014

Ventfest: My last Northeastern shuffle

Shortly after attending AB’s graduation last May, when he graduated magna cum laude—you go, babe—I was informed that my graduation year would have different cum laude requirements. Namely, the cum laude minimum would jump from 3.25 to 3.5. No public press release, no explanation, nada. When I reached out to...

by Marian
March 26, 2014
career & finance

Online Resources for the Young Professional

I’m two months in. Thus far, dressing the part, and leaning in have paid off (I’ve started my formal appraisal process, so I should know more soon!). A partner at my firm sent me an email recently acknowledging my hard work—one of the top emails I’ve ever received, second only...

by Marian
February 25, 2014
bucket lists

Sparkling Up My 2014 Bucket List

It’s mid-February and I’ve crossed 8-9 items off my 2014 bucket list already–which puts me right on course to complete the list (though I never actually do) in a timely manner. There’s just one problem: It’s seven weeks in and I’m feeling lackluster about the remainder of the list. So....

by Marian
February 20, 2014

Letters to Me

Many years ago, a 16-year-old girl sat down to write a letter. To me. My senior year of high school, my favorite teacher encouraged his AP Lit students to write themselves a letter, and stick it with one of those fancy forever stamps; he promised to hold the letters in...

by Marian
February 5, 2014
bucket lists

Bucket lists, meet your big brother

So if you like my annual bucket lists, I thought I’d send a little love over to McKenzie at Design Darling, who in 2011 crafted a super bucket list–somewhere between my annual to-do lists and the actual life-long lists of to-dos before one “kicks the bucket.” It’s called 101 in...

by Marian
January 22, 2014
career & finance

I’m Leaning In

A while ago, I read Sheryl Sandberg‘s Lean In. It inspired me during my job application process to put myself out there, ask for what I want, and negotiate. I learned about the delicate line women must dance between being feminine and being powerful, between being assertive and being nice....

by Marian
January 20, 2014

Making My Pod Pretty

I like glitter. And pretty things. This is how I tried to explain to a coworker in my “pod” why I spent my free time sticking stickers to tacks to decorate my desk. There was some judgement. Well, judge away. I find that when things are pretty (and organized and...

by Marian
January 11, 2014
fashion , new york

Perfect 10 Workwear and Shopping Tips

I start tomorrow. Thirty-three hours to be exact. I’m temporarily camping out at AB’s, until I move into my month-to-month furnished apartment in Stuytown. The whole moving out process was a little overwhelming—For a while there, I thought I was going to have to knock on neighbors’ doors to find...

by Marian
December 29, 2013
books , musings

Minimalism vs. Perfect 10

I mentioned yesterday that I was whizzing through Francine Jay’s Miss Minimalist. Don’t stress—it’s really short, and if you can’t splurge on the 99 cent Kindle download, just head to her blog and get a taste for her minimalism taste and philosophy. I’ll try to summarize: Minimalism (and “minsumerism,” being a minimalist...

by Marian
December 18, 2013

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