Author: Marian

books , new york

TED Talk Tuesday: Less Stuff

Today, I felt inspired. Which is kind of funny—really—because today, I woke up, ate breakfast, watched copious amounts of Netflix while it snowed outside, and then sat on a bus for seven laborious hours. Nothing particularly mind-blowing about all that. Except I’m lying. Instead if just watching Netflix, I happened...

by Marian
December 18, 2013
bucket lists , new york

2014 Bucket List: New Year, New York

I recently published a list outlining what I did and (more likely) did not cross off of my 2013 Bucket List. My bucket lists are my favorite tradition, started New Years 2009, before I graduated high school. Here’s my reasoning behind bucket lists, rather than resolutions: Resolutions start with the...

by Marian
December 15, 2013
musings , relationships

May the odds be ever in my favor

I’m not good at goodbyes. And by “not good,” I mean I tend to avoid them all together (One big exception would be crying in an alley with my little before I abandoned her to study abroad, but I digress…). With a major chapter of my life coming to a...

by Marian
December 15, 2013
bucket lists , musings , relationships

2013: The Year in Review

As December marches on, it seems only appropriate that I do what I always do this time of year—reflect on the good, bad, and ugly, and evaluate my Bucket List 2013 successes. As I go through the list, remember that over the year, interests and priorities change. So while I...

by Marian
December 5, 2013
media , new york

New York in December

In a first date of sorts with my new city, I walked around some of New York’s most well-known holiday destinations, drinking in the festive atmosphere and filming. Though I’d originally intended for the video to be standalone, I’ve also included detailed information about my “tour” and each of the...

by Marian
December 1, 2013

The resurrection of the “Perfect 10”

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I believed in the concept of a Perfect 10. As with many things in my malleable life, it all started with a book. Jill Martin and Dana Ravich’s I Have Nothing to Wear! to be exact. It’s a stupidly simple...

by Marian
November 27, 2013

Life in the Fast Lane

I wanted to wait a bit to let it all sink in, and because I didn’t want the information to work against any other potential offers, but ladies and gents… I. Am. Employed. I’ve known for about a week and a half, but I received and subsequently accepted a temporary position at...

by Marian
November 17, 2013

Long Island (video)

A while ago, I posted photographs from my little field trip to Long Island with Batman, with the promise of a video soon to come. Well, after some struggling with software, we’re all set. As a refresher, Long Island is the supposed inspiration for the thriller “Shutter Island,” and mildly...

by Marian
November 9, 2013

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