As I build up to my 2015 bucket list reveal, I wanted to share my progress this year! For those new to the game, my annual bucket lists are my favorite tradition, a way to kick myself in the butt and encourage ongoing growth and adventuring throughout the year 🙂
2014 has been a wild year (though I feel like I say that every year). I moved to New York (Dec. 2013), started a new internship (Dec. 2013), walked in my college graduation (May), found another new job (May), got promoted in fewer than six months (Nov.), moved another 457931 times (Jan., May, August), and never wore any earrings (the horror!!).
I explored my city, vacationed in Maryland (July) and Maine (Aug.), and am bringing AB home for a much-anticipated holidays. Of the 65 items on my list, I completed 50 (woot!); and of the 15 remaining, five just don’t interest me any more, five were pushed to 2015, and five are still contenders for 2014. Hey, I’ve still got some time.
Kiss my boyfriend at midnight on New Year’s Eve.Love you AB!See the new World Trade Center Memorial.Did it on my week off! Check out the post here.- Ice skate in Boston Common or Central Park or Rockefeller Center. Not yet, but planning to for the 2014 holidays!
Do some DIY crafting to decorate my new apartment.I made these gold leaf agate coasters!Walk and relax on the High Line.Did it on my week off! Check out the post here.Figure out my job… sitch.Bike through Central Park (again!).I walked a bunch, that count?See the Lion King on Broadway in Feb.My holiday present from AB—amazing!- Become a member of Kappa’s alumna network. Eh. Not feeling this one for now.
Start my mini book club with Captain Americaand blog about it.Exchange guest blog posts with Sugarwoman!Didn’t guest blog for her, but did share some posts on Peppercomm’s RepMan and Innovation Mill blogs.Visit Coney Island.Did it on my week off!- Go to the Bronx Zoo (Wednesday is pay-what-you-wish day!). Eh. Not feeling this one for now.
Pay off my credit card.Ride the tram to Roosevelt Island.Did it on my week off!Go running in Central Park.April 18, 2015. I played with puppies!- Go apple picking and bake something delicious. Pushing to 2015 list.
Visit a museum (or two or three. The Met’s $25 admission is only the “recommended” price; and the MoMA is free on Friday evenings).Did it on my week off! Check out the posts here and here.Be in a studio audience.I went to see Dolly Parton perform on Good Morning America!- Get a library card, and
explore in more depth the New York Public Library. Slurp up some frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity.Delicious- Find a restaurant with amazing duck. Not putting it on the 2015 list per se, but it’s still a goal. I miss Parisian duck.
Crochet something.Made this crocheted headband and scarf.- Visit a winery.
Participate in a class or conference. (Like Alt Summit in NYC, or a free online class).I participated in Alt Summit May 8-10! Find a recap here.Buy furniture (I know some people might not find this exciting but I DO!).Outfitted my new apartment, and got a super pretty new chair for my bedroom 🙂Walk at Northeastern graduation. May 2, 2013- Host a dinner party inspired by a show, movie, or fairy tale (ala Heston Blumenthal, or Game of Thrones again!). Not feasible this year. Pushed to 2015 list.
- Eat a cronut.
Take a tour or use a big apple greeter and get to know the big city.Big apple greeters are not available to NYC residents, so I count my week off, running around the cityTry a new workout fad or class (preferably in the form of a free trial).Ballet, at-home workouts, new lifting routine.Institute a new workout plan.Take the “Captain America tour” of the Natural History Museum.Watch the Olympic Opening Games (I freaking love the Olympics!).Dress up and go to a speakeasy.December 2013 (I got a jumpstart!)Weekend ski trip in March?Went with AB on his company-funded trip!Learn a little something more about various wines (Are there workbooks for this?).Send more thank-you notes, in general.Check out my favorite stationary here.- Find a new perfume that’s all me (This one?). Still looking. Pushed to 2015 list.
Keep a monthly budget and stick to it. Monitor pennies and dimes (with some fancy apps, etc.).“Help me, I’m poor.”- Stop. Eating. Gluten. Meh.
Do something worthwhile for the holidays (like volunteer and/or go home!).I’m going to bring my man home for the holidays!“Zenify” my living space.Keep to my “Perfect 10” philosophy.Live like a local, explore like a tourist <3 (more to come!)Whittle my makeup routine down to only 4 or 5 items.- Buy a lip/cheek stain. Not feeling this anymore.
Invest in matching underwear sets.Eliminate TV as a remedy for being bored (keep it to regularly watched shows). Read or write instead.Find a quality tailorand have my suit jacket fitted.Have my favorite boots re-soled.Love getting them redone!Hand make holiday gifts/stocking stuffers this year.Buy brightly colored pants (like these?)Set myself up to live debt-free in 2015.I’m well on my way!Make a new female friend.Learn something that increases my professional value (e.g. coding, finance, social media).Counting Alt For Everyone!- Purchase or make a new (artsy) camera strap.
Maintain an apartment wish list so I can strategically and intelligently make purchases.- Take before and after pictures of my new apartment. Oops…
- Identify and blog about a 2014 theme.
- Get a new pair of eyeglasses. Will do in 2015…
Buy a living plant (herbs or topiary or desk plant?) and keep it alive.Meet Arnold here.Find a pair of work-appropriate jeans.- Re-pierce my ears (After my right hole tore, I’m trying to let them close up). I don’t think they’re ready. Pushing to 2015…
Do something crazy.I’ll never tell…
Cheers to a wonderful 2014! Stay tuned for updates on my 2015 list, but please feel free to share suggestions of items / adventures to include!