
books , fashion

Things I’m Loving: Color, Sparkle, and Paper Goods

  Recently, I’ve been lamenting the lack of color in my life. So I’ve been working to brighten my days in small ways. Below are some recent finds I’ve been loving. Clockwise from lop left: Whitney English hosted my favorite Alt for Everyone session and makes this outstanding planner that...

by Marian
May 11, 2014
books , travel

Happy Sant Jordi: Books on my Lit List

Three years ago, I learned about the glories of La Diada de Sant Jordi—This Catalonian (and spreading!) holiday takes its name from St. George, the patron saint of Catalonia, and it falls on the anniversary of his death (also his Catholic Feast Day). Think of Sant Jordi as a nerdy Spanish...

by Marian
April 22, 2014
books , musings

Minimalism vs. Perfect 10

I mentioned yesterday that I was whizzing through Francine Jay’s Miss Minimalist. Don’t stress—it’s really short, and if you can’t splurge on the 99 cent Kindle download, just head to her blog and get a taste for her minimalism taste and philosophy. I’ll try to summarize: Minimalism (and “minsumerism,” being a minimalist...

by Marian
December 18, 2013
books , new york

TED Talk Tuesday: Less Stuff

Today, I felt inspired. Which is kind of funny—really—because today, I woke up, ate breakfast, watched copious amounts of Netflix while it snowed outside, and then sat on a bus for seven laborious hours. Nothing particularly mind-blowing about all that. Except I’m lying. Instead if just watching Netflix, I happened...

by Marian
December 18, 2013

One Story About the Pursuit of Inspiration or What I’m Reading: A Book About Me If I Were 30-Something

I’ve been meaning to write a blog post a week, but when I open up my computer, I feel immediately exhausted by everything else I should be doing. That whole I’m-at-the-precipice-of-this-incredible-new-life feeling is a little overshadowed by the whole Getting-a-job-and-life-and-apartment-is-like-really-freaking-hard feeling. It doesn’t hurt that I’m also feeling pressure from...

by Marian
September 24, 2013

Dear Google, what should I read next?

Voila. I did it. After all that talk, I finally put my money where my mouth is and bought myself a kindle. And though it was a rough ride (delivered it to the wrong address; mother almost claimed it for her prize), it’s finally in my possession, shiny and new and...

by Marian
May 10, 2012

New Thoughts on “To Read or to E-Read”

Almost exactly a year ago, I wrote a post on e-readers, evaluating whether or not I thought they were worth the investment. In the original post, I applauded the stylish covers and the sleek appeal of the readers, but didn’t really understand the appeal. It’s hard to deny my love...

by Marian
April 20, 2012

What I’m Reading: Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese

Cutting for Stone. By Abraham Verghese. VINTAGE. I have this theory… Oftentimes, I opt to read nonfiction books because they are easy to relate to, easy to get through, and because I think that nonfiction books are more consistently good. But if I’m being honest, fiction is my true love....

by Marian
February 10, 2012

What I’m Reading: A Book on the Good Book

My past relationship with God has been one of many ups and downs. There are times we’ve been forced together. There are times we’ve been happy together. I’ve seen Him change and morph and I’ve been in love with numerous versions of Him, and he in turn has seen me...

by Marian
August 23, 2011

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