See parts 1 and 2 of my week off here.
Swept up in the rush and excitement of starting a new job, I didn’t finish recapping my week off (silly me). I’ll get to additional updates shortly, but first…
I started my Friday by walking to 59th street to pick up the tram to Roosevelt Island (free for those with a monthly metro card, and #15 on my bucket list!). The view from the tram was stunning.
(Note: In the interim between adventuring and writing this post, my iPhone was wiped, so pictures are mostly what I posted during the day on Instagram. Womp.)
I putzed around Roosevelt Island a bit – it’s a really residential haven amid the hecticness (hecticocity?) of New York. But a real winner. There’s an old insane asylum still standing (sadly, behind fences and totally off limits. You know me and haunted old buildings), and a funky little park as well.
From there, I hopped on the subway for a long ride out to Coney Island, where – despite less than ideal weather – the rides were running and the ice cream parlors were open. So naturally I had an ice cream cone. Before riding the famed Cyclone (which in retrospect seems like the wrong order).
Stomach in tact, and with wind-blown hair, I last visited the Brooklyn Aquarium. Much of the aquarium is closed to visitors while they rebuild post-Sandy, but the fishies were adorbs and I made a friend of this little guy.
I spent the weekend relaxing, walking around my own neighborhood, reading, and hanging with my Kappa sister Dani before starting my new job – crazy to think it’s already been a month since I started (clearly I’ve been busy) 🙂