Tag: New York City

musings , new york

A love letter to New York

We tried this once, and it was rocky at best. I was more infatuated with Snickers bars than you. But aint it funny what a little maturity (me) and hygiene (you) can do. Sparks. Oh, what love can do. I never meant to fall in love with you. I feel...

by Marian
April 18, 2014

While You Were Out

I’ve been kinda caught up in a project lately, throwing myself into research and lists and flow charts and making everything organized and pretty (read: I’m a perfectionist sociopath). I can’t quite spill the details yet, but there’s a lot of exciting stuff going on in my life 🙂 …...

by Marian
February 3, 2011


I had lunch on Friday with an editor for Esquire magazine that I met through an extended 6-degrees-esque connection. Over lunch, we discussed writing and journalism and life and general “brain barf.” And he mentioned that he walks to work every day because the 2+ mile walk provides him an...

by Marian
January 18, 2011

2011 Bucket List

Remember that first post in July? This may look familiar… Jumping right in, I’m not a believer in New Year’s resolutions. I just think they tend to revolve too much around losing weight and looking better and petty bullpucky that sparks a temporary spike in gym and diet industry revenues...

by Marian
January 5, 2011

In case you didn’t get one… Happy Holidays!

The insert from my Christmas cards this year… a pretty comprehensive update on the goings on of my life 🙂 … My family tends to send out the obligatory “Daniells Family Update Letter” in July, but there’s been so much going on lately that I thought I’d send out my...

by Marian
January 5, 2011

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