Today’s Obsession: Etc.

My boss here at MC is super awesome and she’s recently been doing a little redecorating, finally getting settled and making her desk her own. I picked up a bunch of cute brocade stuff from The Containter Store for her, and last week she showed me this adorable mug she got from etsy that has a girl reading and says “lost in the pages.” Tres, tres chic, non?

I didn’t want the exact same thing but I did go on another etsy rampage and found this baby. I can’t tell if I want to drink out of it, put pens in it, or just look at it. It makes me happy 🙂 The store owner (loveartworks) has others that have letters instead, but the symbols communicate something more. It looks like what brain barf feels like. As the item description says, this mug is %^$&/#@^*%?!>/&#*%:$:&@^>#$%@?!&*!!”*. Translation? Awesome. Obsessed.

ETCETERA Incredible Textured Stamped and Glazed Mug, $42

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Hi, I'm Marian.
By day, I'm a PR maven with a nerdy affinity for research and branding. By night, I'm an explorer; I delve into books, food, design, and the murky waters of my own psyche, then share my musings here.





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