bucket lists

bucket lists , travel

Starting the year off right

If you’re wondering what I’ve been up to this month (since it clearly didn’t include posting here), I thought I’d share some highlights from the month of January… I rang in the new year with AB and company, in Long Island. Kissed AB during midnight, and fell asleep about 15...

by Marian
January 30, 2015
bucket lists , musings , new york

2014 Bucket List Review

As I build up to my 2015 bucket list reveal, I wanted to share my progress this year! For those new to the game, my annual bucket lists are my favorite tradition, a way to kick myself in the butt and encourage ongoing growth and adventuring throughout the year 🙂 2014 has...

by Marian
December 10, 2014
bucket lists , new york , travel

My Week Off in New York: Part 2 (Thurs)

See Part 1 here. Another day of amazing adventures in New York! Though nothing that I accomplished today was on my bucket list (necessarily), I still feel immensely exhausted. I adventured in Brooklyn today (first time while living here to venture to another borough!), and made the mistake of assuming...

by Marian
May 22, 2014
bucket lists , fashion

Isn’t Life Colorful

It was on my 2013 Bucket List—and later “shuffled” to my 2014 list—to buy myself a graduation present. Which I would totally do if I made more than the less-than-minimum-wage I’m currently bringing in. The only things I really want right now are (1) a job—which I’m working on, (2)...

by Marian
March 27, 2014
bucket lists

Sparkling Up My 2014 Bucket List

It’s mid-February and I’ve crossed 8-9 items off my 2014 bucket list already–which puts me right on course to complete the list (though I never actually do) in a timely manner. There’s just one problem: It’s seven weeks in and I’m feeling lackluster about the remainder of the list. So....

by Marian
February 20, 2014
bucket lists

Bucket lists, meet your big brother

So if you like my annual bucket lists, I thought I’d send a little love over to McKenzie at Design Darling, who in 2011 crafted a super bucket list–somewhere between my annual to-do lists and the actual life-long lists of to-dos before one “kicks the bucket.” It’s called 101 in...

by Marian
January 22, 2014
bucket lists , new york

2014 Bucket List: New Year, New York

I recently published a list outlining what I did and (more likely) did not cross off of my 2013 Bucket List. My bucket lists are my favorite tradition, started New Years 2009, before I graduated high school. Here’s my reasoning behind bucket lists, rather than resolutions: Resolutions start with the...

by Marian
December 15, 2013

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