Random Quote from: Ally McBeal

Alright, I know I’m about 15 years behind on the whole Ally McBeal thing, but I must say… she’s amazing. And I’m addicted.

Ally is a complete freak! She’s funny and awkward and neurotic and psychoanalyzes every minute Freudian slip. She gets caught up in the moment and she changes her mind on a dime.

“She” is me.

Anyway, there’s this one character, John Cage–nickname Biscuit–who is a senior partner at Ally’s firm and has some interesting tactics. He’s a character, to put it nicely 🙂 But he’s also a genius. Anyway, I really liked one of his quotes. I’m a sucker for romance and it was just… hopeful, I guess.

“The world is no longer a romantic place.

But some of its people still are, however.

And therein lies the promise…

Don’t let the world win.”

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Hi, I'm Marian.
By day, I'm a PR maven with a nerdy affinity for research and branding. By night, I'm an explorer; I delve into books, food, design, and the murky waters of my own psyche, then share my musings here.





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