Umm… I’m moving to Paris

Lovers write their names on locks. Paris, 2010.

I’m moving to Paris. The reality of that hits me every morning. Up until now, it’s been a fact, and I haven’t really tied any emotions to the statement; I’ve just planned and made lists and bought converters and phone SIM cards. It’s been a task, but now the task list is running down and I’m left idle (see last post), with only the reality: I’m moving to Paris. I’m moving to Paris. I’m moving to Paris.

Only it’s not just that I’m moving to Paris. I’m moving to Paris with a long term visa and no place to live. There’s no one to meet me at the airport, and there’s a 99% chance that I will have messed up my SIM card installation and won’t have any cell phone coverage when I land. I’m moving to Paris and don’t know how to speak the language (Okay, technically I’ve taken two years, but the only thing that stuck was j’aimerais un cafe, si vous plait which means I would like a coffee please). I’m moving to Paris and I’m deadly afraid of being alone (see every post on living in New York). I’m moving to Paris and am somehow expected to find a place for less than $700/month. I’m moving to Paris and I’m going to miss Boston in the fall.

But still… I’m moving to Paris. And it’s not totally a freakout. I’m moving to Paris and can’t wait to eat nothing but cheese and wine and fresh market produce. I’m moving to Paris and am only taking three classes. I’m moving to Paris and fully expect to ditch my one Friday class for weekend getaways in Prague and Barcelona and Munich. I’m moving to Paris and know how to order coffee. I’m moving to Paris and I’m going to see all the Paris leaves change in the fall. I’m moving to Paris and I’m… hell, I’m moving to Paris; that’s reason enough to smile.

When I break things down logically, I know that I’m going to be fine and have one of the best experiences ever. But 60% of the time, I’m not being entirely logical, so I freak myself out. But enclosed is a list I’ve been compiling of things I want to do while I’m there. Obviously, this is not a complete list, but they are things I’ve come across that I didn’t do during my four-day Paris excursion in 2010.

  • Visit Versailles and Giverny (for Monet’s gardens, even though they won’t be blooming). Versailles by RER train, or Guided tour, 150E
  • Go to a show at the Moulin Rouge, or someplace on the Champs d’Elysées. Cliche, but exciting nonetheless and a great opportunity to get a little wild! 95E (yikes!)
  • Write my name on a lock and put it on the Lovers’ Bridge (see picture above. Also, I’m sure the bridge isn’t actually called that).
  • See Paris by bike.
  • Visit the Museum of Erotic Art, 8E
  • Go on a walking tour of the city, following the footsteps of some long-dead famous person. I have a whole book of them, and it’s free! I want to do this every Wednesday, when I don’t have any classes.
  • Go to Prague or Spain (or both!)
  • Attend a Sunday dinner at Jim Haynes’ house (more great ideas here!)
  • Have a picnic. With wine and lots of cheese.

And some ideas that might be a stretch, but that I would love love love to do:

  • Spend a weekend in Nice or Provence.
  • Go to Oktoberfest!


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Hi, I'm Marian.
By day, I'm a PR maven with a nerdy affinity for research and branding. By night, I'm an explorer; I delve into books, food, design, and the murky waters of my own psyche, then share my musings here.





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