I’ve been idle. That’s not entirely true; I’ve been running lots of miles for my big race this Sunday. But other than that I’ve basically been freaking out about Paris apartments, watching TV and surfing the Internet for things I don’t need and can’t afford. I feel kind of like you do after a bad breakup. Only sans breakup. I’m bored entirely unmotivated.
Of course I haven’t exactly been making much of an effort to fill my time productively either. I haven’t journaled or photographed or blogged or read or studied French. No, I’m searching for juicers and vintage headboards online.
I’m planning fun things to do instead of doing them. I’m pathetic.
That’s the only purpose for this post—to publicly announce the fact that I am an oaf right now and I need to get my shit together and be a human being. It’s like a pity party, but instead it’s a shame party. So I guess it’s actually like a shame party. Ok, I’m done now.