bucket lists

bucket lists , musings

The Woofers Potato Farm …?

MY BIRTHDAY For my 21st birthday (finally!), I was inspired by this blog post, and am planning 21 Random(ish) Acts of Kindness to be completed during the week of my birthday. I’ll be collecting and donating clothes to benefit veterans, collecting and donating books to Massachusetts jails, volunteering to run...

by Marian
April 11, 2013

Impending Snowpocalypse

With the impending snowpocalypse, there’s lots of time to think. And eat. And… stuff. In California, we keep plastics bins of emergency goods handy—water, protein bars, important documents, photo negatives—in case we ever have to evacuate our homes. In California, emergencies usually mean fires, and there’s not usually a whole...

by Marian
February 7, 2013

Life’s a-flurry

I’ve been swept up in a flurry of 3 a.m. wake up calls, $5 breakfast specials, and domesticity. I’ve been back Stateside for less than three weeks and already my life has completely transformed—I marvel at how easily I can just slip back into my old routines. Paris feels a...

by Marian
January 22, 2013

Ps and Qs, and Gs and Ts

Cursive won out on this day. I also listed Essie “clambake” nail polish among my gratitudes. Priorities. Woah. Woah… I think I’m usually a pretty difficult person to buy for… unless you’re a close girlfriend and know how much I’m in dire need of a book on dirty French phrases,...

by Marian
November 13, 2012
musings , travel

Away on Honeymoon

Told you I’d be back. I’ve been so inconsistent about blogging since I moved to Paris, but I noticed that I’ve been really great about journaling. Some things just aren’t the same when I try to share them with other people. So instead I leave details for myself, to read...

by Marian
November 7, 2012

On Hiatus

Ok, don’t freak out. It’s not you—it’s me. I know I said I’d be more consistent. But the truth is that something else, something big, has come along, and it requires a lot of my time, focus and energy, at least for the time being. Also—apologies—it’s a secret. So, I’m...

by Marian
October 16, 2012

It’s like a party…

I’ve been idle. That’s not entirely true; I’ve been running lots of miles for my big race this Sunday. But other than that I’ve basically been freaking out about Paris apartments, watching TV and surfing the Internet for things I don’t need and can’t afford. I feel kind of like...

by Marian
August 13, 2012

All Mine

I’ve been redecorating and revamping my soon-to-be apartment lately. The original walls were this terrible off-white. It looked as though the white just got too tired and slacked off. Disgusting. And I’ve found evidence that before the lazy white, some genius painted the entire apartment navy blue. Even more disgusting....

by Marian
May 11, 2012

True Life: I am Life Bulimic

As my friend so kindly put it, I’m life bulimic. The past couple of days, I’ve been working to scour through every last belonging. What has little or no emotional significance I’m donating. Or just plain chucking. Ozone layer be damned, sometimes it just feels better to throw things in the...

by Marian
April 24, 2012

Finding My Bliss

Taking a mid day sunshine break with my coworker. I find that a lot of what I blog about has to do with changes–inspiration for new changes, lists of things to do, renewed commitments to myself. I’m just the type of person that loiters in the self help section of...

by Marian
March 19, 2012

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