Author: Marian


Today’s Obsession: Schwinn

I’ve been looking at apartments to sublet for summer 2 in BOSTON (!!!). And the most promising places I’ve found are on Mission Hill, which–as fellow Huskies know–means a commute. It’s almost a mile to campus and while I enjoy a leisurely walk every now and again, I don’t like...

by Marian
February 16, 2011

In Another Life… My List of ShouldaWouldaCouldas

I’ve mentioned before how I have what my parents have deemed “Salad Dressing Syndrome.” Basically, I have difficulty making decisions, including which salad dressing I want. So, instead, I pour them all on for a little taste of everything. Unfortunately, with the big decisions like where do I want to...

by Marian
February 16, 2011

Today’s Obsession: Canon

I’ve been obsessssedddd with trying to get into this class for summer 2 called Photo Basics for Non-majors and I’ve done everything that my conniving little mind can think of to make it happen… I’ve emailed professors and the art administrative assistants (and probably pissed a few people off along...

by Marian
February 15, 2011

The BIG News!!

Hi, All! I just finished putting away the excess cardboard boxes, the copious amounts of tape and have filled the holes in the wall with toothpaste. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Brain Barf is moving. I basically wanted to create a more stream-lined, professional and focused blog. Check out the new...

by Marian
February 9, 2011

While You Were Out

I’ve been kinda caught up in a project lately, throwing myself into research and lists and flow charts and making everything organized and pretty (read: I’m a perfectionist sociopath). I can’t quite spill the details yet, but there’s a lot of exciting stuff going on in my life 🙂 …...

by Marian
February 3, 2011

Friday Night Romance

I went out last night. Some friend of a friend knew a promoter that offered free vodka all night and free entry to a club that typically has a $40 cover and where the cheapest bottle is $300. I spent $4 for my coat check.   Anyway, the place was...

by Marian
January 29, 2011

The Vanishing Point

I’ve spent the last umpteen hours and days and months driving towards that pinprick in the horizon, that neat little microscopic point where everything comes together. … There, that “vanishing point,” that’s were everything makes sense. It’s my rainbow and I’m constantly chasing it. How am I, amateur navigator that...

by Marian
January 28, 2011

Girly Stuff

So, I just read this post on Marie Claire and it kind of got me going. I’m a Pearl girl myself and never really understood the appeal of o.b. tampons. They hurt and just don’t cut it for me. And, I’ve got copious supply currently, so I don’t think the...

by Marian
January 26, 2011


When you were a baby, I used to love the feeling of your whole hand barely grasping my one finger.   Mom and I used to lean over you and envelop you with our hair. I don’t know that you’ve laughed like that since then.   I miss my baby...

by Marian
January 26, 2011

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