Life’s a-flurry

stock-footage-breaking-news-broadcast-graphics-titleI’ve been swept up in a flurry of 3 a.m. wake up calls, $5 breakfast specials, and domesticity. I’ve been back Stateside for less than three weeks and already my life has completely transformed—I marvel at how easily I can just slip back into my old routines. Paris feels a million miles away right now.

But when I say flurry, I’m not just talking about New England winters. Things are crazy right now, busy and stormy in an intoxicatingly wild kind of way. A brief, Reader’s Digest-esque recap of the last month or so…

I had an incredible time traipsing around Europe with my family. It’s easy to forget how much I genuinely like them sometimes. I came back to Boston, went straight to AB’s house and we picked up right where we left off. Speaking of cheerful reunions, I’m unspeakably happy to be reunited with my entire wardrobe. Glory, glory. Started classes (meh) and an incredible new internship (yay) at New England Cable News, hence the 3 a.m. alarms twice a week. And on a related note (internship is in nearby Newton, Mass.), I bought a car—a charmingly beat-up 1998 Saturn SL1 that I’ve fondly dubbed Pippy II, after the similarly beat-up vespa I rode with my mother through Tuscany during the 2010 Europefest.

It’s glorious to be back in Beantown, where I feel more at home than ever. I’ve missed life’s little joys—grocery delivery services, late-night pizza, unlimited text messaging, and a little thing called the English language—while in Europe. One thing I didn’t miss? The inability to legally buy booze.

Bear with me as I reacquaint myself with a fast-paced, extracurricular-filled routine and the many stresses of, well, life in America. But stay tuned for all kinds of brain barf in the coming days, weeks, months—there’s nothing like waking up at 3 a.m. to get the creative brain juices flowing.

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Hi, I'm Marian.
By day, I'm a PR maven with a nerdy affinity for research and branding. By night, I'm an explorer; I delve into books, food, design, and the murky waters of my own psyche, then share my musings here.





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