fitness & health

fitness & health

Foodie Diaries: Vegetarianism

To be or not to be… that is the question. I first started being vegetarian several years ago for Lent. But because Lenten promises don’t apply on Sundays, I would head to Carl’s Jr. for a jalapeno burger (noms). Throughout the 40-someodd days, I noticed that when I ate meat,...

by Marian
August 25, 2011
fitness & health

Foodie Diaries: Organic Produce

If and when I can, I try to buy organic food. The problem is that “Organic” is just a label; it’s challenging to break down what that really means. According to the USDA… Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of...

by Marian
August 25, 2011
fitness & health

Foodie Diaries (Intro)

For the last several hours, I’ve been reading articles on the benefits of certain diets, the health risks of various chemicals, the pros, the cons, the debate. And it got me thinking about food and the role it plays in our lives. I wrote before about the important role that...

by Marian
August 25, 2011

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